Monday, January 27, 2020

Snowy days provide much time for contemplation. I want to talk about aging: As they say, "Getting old is not for the faint of heart." On the surface, there doesn't seem to be an upside to aging. We lose hair from where it's supposed to be and grow hair where it ain't! Our physical attributes such as strength and endurance begins to wane. If we haven't adequately prepared, we live on a fixed income, etc., etc. 

But hold on a moment - I want to talk about the upside of aging: I'll speak for myself: I no longer feel the need to compete; I'm working on the ability to be non-judgemental, ie. less critical of others, after all, aren't we all fellow travelers? I appreciate the little moments more often, relishing the simple pleasures - a child's laughter, a sunset, a rich conversation over a glass of Pinot Noir.

I've learned not to fear getting old, after all, what choice do we have in the matter and it's preferable to the alternative. As an old gold miner, I am determined to "mine" each golden moment as often as I can, always seeking that precious gem or that golden nugget. My only concern at my age is running out of time - so much more to do and experience, so little time. Breathe in, breathe out, life is good.

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